When somebody starts talking about elaborate and exciting stage shows, the first thing that may pop into your head is the fantastical world created by the Cirque du Soleil company. Amongst Cirque's most popular shows are the MGM Grande's KA and New York-New York's Zumanity. At the Bellagio, though, is one of the company's less talked-about productions - O. Produced around 1.5 million gallons of water, O is one of Cirque's most impressive productions and ensembles, and will add the perfect accent to any Las Vegas party.
Mixing the unbalanced qualities of water with the unbridled excitement of a Cirque Du Soleil show, O offers an experience that many Las Vegas tourists are ignorant to. If you've seen any Cirque Du Soleil show, than you know that the ensemble cast puts as much effort into each show as the average person puts into a month of their life. The company is guaranteed to entertain with a clever mix of humor, awe, and mysticism that should attract people of all shapes and sizes.
If Cirque Du Soleil is known for anything, its for their use of the elements within their shows. From water to fire, the company utilizes mother nature in such a way that some may leave the theatre with a new found appreciation the basic elements. Performers astound the shows audience with underwater routines before catching the intrigued eye with a flaming baton session on dry land.

Where O truly astounds is in the shows transforming stage. The main "stage" is the 1.5-million gallon pool, which is accompanied by several smaller pools and flat platforms land-segments. No matter what stage accompanies the ensemble cast, there is no worry for disappointment - each segment is just as exciting and death defying as the last.
Like all Cirque Du Soleil shows, the cast is a veritable mix of loons that spend their days risking their lives for the entertainment of others. From a flame-engulfed man reading a newspaper to a trio of potentially suicidal actors, the cast alone will give you plenty to talk about for the next few days.
When it comes down to an unconventional bachelor party - where a night drinking at the club and staring at the same beautiful women over and over again is just not an option - tickets to a Cirque Du Soleil show will leave your party in awe and thankful that they didn't spend the evening in a stuffy nightclub on a packed dance floor. You and your party will get to enjoy a classier side of Sin City by witnessing the amazement behind the Bellagio's O.
Don't feel as though enjoying a stage production will dumb down your bachelor party any. With a show like Cirque Du Soleil's O, you and your groomsmen are guaranteed a night filled with excitement, wonder, and awe - three things that simply cannot be found anywhere else in Las Vegas.