The show, Legends in Concert, was never meant to be an ongoing show. However, when the show debuted 20 years ago they had no idea how popular the show would be. Well, 20 years later they are still packing a full house nearly every night. Today, the show offers some performers that are deceased, but also includes living legends, as well. Some performances you might see will include impersonations of Michael Jackson, Elvis, Garth Brooks, Donna Summer, the Four Tops, and Liberace though there are many others.
This concert is not only a lot of fun, but its great for the entire family. Children two or older are more than welcome to attend with the family. It is recommended that you make reservations. You have the option of general seating with or without a meal or you can opt for the VIP seating. Dinner packages that are available allow you an included trip to the Emperor's Buffet.