Live at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in the Tiffany Theater you can see Folies Bergere. This is the oldest running, continuous shows in the entire nation. Of course, there is plenty of work done on and off stage to ensure that this show remains fresh for years and new audiences who care to return for repeat shows. While other topless shows have come and gone, Folies Bergere debuted in 1959 and is still going strong!
Singers for this show include Dan O'Brien and Traci Ault. Both offer amazing talent and in the case of Traci appear beautiful enough to be part of the dance team. Through different scenes you will be transported to different times that range from the 1940's to an 1850's ballroom. The Paris Latin scenes are also some of the favorites of those that see the show. Unlike other adult shows, Folies Bergere allows for people 16 years of age and up.