Gregory Popovich has created a fun and unique show with the Comedy Pet Theater. Popovich entertains using his juggling skills. Within his juggling, he will show you his extreme talent going from fruit to batons and other items while making it look completely simple. The daughter of Popovich also shows off her juggling talents during the show. The show lasts for an hour and includes much more than juggling to entertain the audience.
However, you haven't seen anything until you watch the cast of cats and dogs do their thing. In all, there are 15 cats and 8 dogs, which are on the stage to entertain you. The dogs are used as assistants throughout the show and the cats are there to jump through hoops, do dangerous leaps, and other amazing tricks. All animals were rescued from shelters and are given the best possible care. As you can imagine this show is suitable for the entire family. It is recommended that you book reservations as this show is wildly popular.