Why Free Line Passes or Guestlists Don’t Work?

Sometimes the old saying “you get what you pay for” rings true on more occasions than others. When it comes to Las Vegas nightlife, it is almost a law. The purpose for free line passes or guestlists is to basically get people to show up at a nightclub. An impressive line up of people trying to get into one of these venues only draws up the curiosity of other party-goers, which in turn want to get in themselves.

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The Life of a Vegas VIP Host

Warning: The following events have been carried out by trained professional (Kalika Moquin) partiers who live, breath, train, and execute events on a nightly basis. These events can be exhausting, dangerous, overwhelming, and surreal for the unaccompanied ammature. Please do not attempt these parties on your own. You will not even come close to having this much fun!!!

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